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LifeVac Featured on The Doctors TV show

On the 7th of December LifeVac was featured on the Doctors Show with an interview from Angela Powell, who talks about her experience of saving her elderly mother-in-laws life by using LifeVac.

The Doctors Show are specialists from across health and wellness fields that join ER physician Dr. Travis Stork, Dr. Andrew Ordon, OB/GYN Dr. Nita Landry and dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra who delve into real-life stories and conduct interviews as well as provide sought-after answers, interventions, tips, and care.

Angela Powell purchased LifeVac after seeing viral videos circulating social media. During a family meal, Angela’s elderly mother-in-law started choking on a piece of meat. Leaving the table quickly so not to “cause a scene”, she did not return. After a few minutes her husband went to look for her, once found he released that she was choking. Her husband carried out the abdominal thrusts with no success, he then yelled for Angela to grab LifeVac. Upon Angela’s return her mother-in-law was laying down still conscious, Angela placed the LifeVac over her mother-in-law’s mouth and nose. With one push and a quick pull, LifeVac dislodged the meat saving Angela’s mother-in-laws life.

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Registered in Australia ARTG Number 285082
(No Prescription Required)

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